Imaging technology
Imaging technology is the application of materials and methods to create, enhance, analyse or store images.
As the majority of the research, diagnosis and development performed at ICGI is based on Nucleomics (nuclei image acquisition and analysis), we have invested heavily in microscope systems, image scanners and computers with an emphasis on automation, high throughput, high performance computing and storage capacity. We have automatic full slide image scanners, several fully automated high resolution light microscopy systems for image analysis, as well as metaphase finders, systems for automatic karyotyping and a confocal microscope. We have our own storage area network (SAN) with the capacity needed for all our scans and images. We have laboratories with standard equipment for histology, IHC, FISH, PCR, and CGH.
The Institute for Cancer genetics and informatics (ICGI) has a close collaboration with the clinic, and thus takes advantage of available patient materials and information as well as expert knowledge of clinical aspects of different cancers.
ICGI also has a formalised collaboration with the Institute of Informatics at the University of Oslo, and take advantage of both their competence and equipment, including their high performance computing facility.
This text was last modified: 16.09.2021